Qigong – opening & closing – video
In Qigong and Tai Chi there are many ways to open up the meridians before you start practicing and even so many ways to bring the Qi into your body at the end of your…
In Qigong and Tai Chi there are many ways to open up the meridians before you start practicing and even so many ways to bring the Qi into your body at the end of your…
In my classes these are the most favorite exercises ever. Tai Chi ball, is just great. This exercise opens all meridians, relaxes the shoulders and back and nourishes the organs as well. Walking with the…
Alchemical Qigong is an ancient Daoist style Qigong with Tai Chi elements, which both acts on the meridians, self-healing, and deeply affects the body. Alchemical is about transformation. Transformation to a healthier, stronger and more…
Afgelopen week stelde een deelnemer in de Qigong les deze vraag. In de lessen die ik geef ben ik altijd blij met vragen. Ik was aan het vertellen dat het belangrijk is om met je…